Archives for category: technology


As indie music platforms like Bandcamp deteriorate, artists must cater to a single, powerful streaming platform.

Source: Spotify Is Eating the Entire Music Business

This an absolutely fantastic animated chart.  If you have 30 seconds and have any interest in music sales, then you will enjoy this animation.

50 years in music has seen consumption change from vinyl and cassettes to CDs and streaming. This video highlights sales of music formats over time.

Source: Animated Chart: The Rise and Fall of Music Sales, by Format (1973-2021)

Rindge Leaphart

If you have a couple of minutes and enjoy good music, the video is worth watching.  The technology used with these robots is quite impressive.  I enjoy technology as much as the next person, but the capabilities of these robots are a wee bit concerning.  Maybe Lucas was onto something.  I would love to see these robots deployed in en masse in real life situations…like fighting forest fires.  Until then, I guess we will have to settle for backflips, the mashed potato, and the twist.

Welcoming in our new dancing robot overlords

Source: Boston Dynamics Atlas and Spot robots can now dance better than you can – The Verge

Rindge Leaphart

Devex, USAID & DAI look ahead to the next 10 years and help gauge the skills you will need to thrive in a new era for global development.

Source: Next Generation Professional

At Kodak, Clinging to a Future Beyond Film –

Interesting read about the ups and downs (more downs lately) of Kodak.  I wish them success in the mining of their IP for technology that might one day become mainstream.

Enjoy the article.

Rindge Leaphart


MIT lab builds self-assembling robot cubes | The Verge.

Take the time to watch the video in the article above.  I think what the team at MIT has developed is very innovative and quite refreshing.  Seemingly they have taken a page out of sci-fi movies and brought it to life.  It will be interesting to see how their robots evolve over time.




What’s next?  Maybe I am dating myself, but I remember when DVD players ruled in terms of new consumer technology.  Then it was flat screen TV’s.  Apple gave birth to the smart phone and tablet revolution.  So what’s next? While smart phone and tablet sales are still stellar, their growth rates have somewhat slowed.  Are smart watches going to be the next big “thing” in personal technology?  I make no claims to be being a technology prognosticator, but I am intrigued about what is next.  Clearly there has been a lot of focus as of late on the smart watch.  I have always liked watches.  I don’t have a fancy collection of watches, but I do appreciate a classic watch and recently moved into the mechanical watch realm, not because of a fascination with gears, etc, but more because they look very good and more importantly keep time.  With regards to smart watches, I am just not sure.  I think the Pebble watch looks neat and is clearly functional, but it strikes me as more of a fashion piece.  Don’t get me wrong, there is definitely as fashion component to mechanical watches.  But mechanical watches have an enduring aspect that I am not sure smart watches will have.

I am unsure of the key functions that will be included in forthcoming smart watches.  Will the technology in these watches be enough to lure me (or more importantly the masses) to smart watches?  Will smart watches be the next big thing?  I may be wrong, but I don’t see smart watches having the same impact as tablets or smart phones have had.  Will the embedded technology in these new toys be enough to drive change in consumer behaviors?  Smartphones and tablets did.  But will smart watches?  How much innovative technology can you pack into a watch?  Will the first or second generation of smart watches have game changing technology?  I have my doubts.  I may be wrong, but I don’t think smart watches are going to be the next big thing.  I’ll be watching.

The article below discusses whether smart watches will lead to the decline of mechanical watches (I don’t think so).  Pretty good article.

Watch men: what hardcore timepiece collectors think about smartwatches | The Verge.




Rindge Leaphart