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KKR turned around a struggling door company and sold it for 10 times its investment—giving factory workers a life-changing cut of the returns. A case study by Ethan Rouen and Dennis Campbell offers lessons for companies trying to instill an owner’s mindset in employees.

Source: How KKR Got More by Giving Ownership to the Factory Floor: ‘My Kids Are Going to College!’ – HBS Working Knowledge

I recently invested the time to watch the video below from Harvard Business School. The subject was quite interesting at this stage of my life and the professor was quite engaging. There was, as you might expect, a plug for the professor’s book, which I look forward to reading. If you have the time to invest (50 minutes or so) and are interested in a lively discussion on Happiness and Purpose, then I highly recommend the video.

From Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep Purpose in the Second Half of Life

All the best,

Rindge Leaphart

Refreshing to know that my physical library is not yet extinct. I have nothing against e-books, but give me a book store or library with books I can see and touch.  The gems I have discovered wandering around the bookstore are numerous. 

When e-books hit the mainstream in the early 2000s, many predicted they’d eventually make print books obsolete. So far, print has prevailed.


Source: The Staying Power of Print Books

Rindge Leaphart

A Corning factory in upstate New York is running around the clock to help meet the urgent demand.

Source: The Race to Make Vials for Coronavirus Vaccines | The New Yorker

A heartfelt thanks to:

  • The frontline healthcare workers
  • The educators
  • The servers / waiters / cashiers  and everyone else dealing with customers face to face everyday
  • The scientists working to develop vaccines in record breaking time
  • The people at Corning and elsewhere working behind the scenes to solve material and logistical challenges

You are appreciated and we couldn’t do it without you!


As a native Bostonian the article brought smile to my face.  Glad to see the success of local business owners.

Turning businesses into worker-owned cooperatives is the city’s answer to a wealth gap that is pushing out its lower-income residents.

Source: How Boston Is Becoming the City Where Workers Rule – POLITICO

Long read, but great story about manufacturing and perseverance.

Jennifer Knight ’89 has returned manufacturing jobs to an American town.

Source: Dyed in the Wool | Brown Alumni Magazine

Like many, I am a fan of Ali.  His boxing heyday was somewhat before my time, but you couldn’t (nor would one want to) escape the legend of who Ali was and what he represented to many.  As a youngster in Boston during the 70’s, my older brother secured tickets for us to a charity event where Ali was fighting an exhibition match.  I was too young to fully understand how fortunate I was at the time, but the memory still brings a smile to my face.


For those of you with the slightest interest in Blockchain, the discussion below is quite informative.  A good read even if your industry has limited Blockchain opportunities.

Understanding how blockchain creates business value is essential for companies to identify the right use cases and move beyond small pilots to widespread adoption.

Source: Blockchain explained: What it is and isn’t, and why it matters | McKinsey

Rindge Leaphart


You need to solve fundamental problems

Source: Agility and Iteration Won’t Win the Future. Here’s What WIll: |

DFW city representatives…you might want to take a look a this article.

Gigantic piles of impounded, abandoned, and broken bicycles have become a familiar sight in many Chinese cities, after a rush to build up its new bike-sharing industry vastly overreached.

Source: Bike Share Oversupply in China: Huge Piles of Abandoned and Broken Bicycles – The Atlantic


Rindge Leaphart